PiMon Game Update Version 0.0.1

Hello, admins!

PiMon is finally available to be enjoyed by anyone and everyone. I hope you are enjoying your time with your PiMon! These two days we have received very valuable feedback regarding the game and believed it was important to add these updates as soon as possible.

-Minigames and the Tutorial Menu now has a new "Resize" button that you can click to enlarge the screen for better visibility.

-PiMon energy depletes slower and PiMon are now less frequently prone to wanting to sleep to help make the game a more relaxing passive experience when admins are busy with other activities.

-You can now press, "Backspace" on your keyboard when our Studio logo appears to completely restart and reset the game. (Warning: This option is meant for those who might be having some very rare compatibility issues while transferring save files from the demo or other critical errors and should generally not be needed otherwise!)

We understand that there are quite a few keyboard macros in the game now so here's a visual rundown of the game's macros (This is available in game now as well):


PiMon itch.zip 123 MB
72 days ago

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